Learn to import MetaMask Wallet in #MetaMask Flask Extension

In our further content, we will cover some topics such as key features of MetaMask Flask and an instruction guide that will help you to import your MetaMask Wallet to the MetaMask Flask within a few s

Hello! MetaMask user. Are you looking for features of MetaMask Flask Extension and an instruction guide on how to import your stable MetaMask Extension Wallet to MetaMask Flask? If yes, then just fasten your seat belts and take a dive with us in the next sections of this write-up.

In our further content, we will cover some topics such as key features of MetaMask Flask and an instruction guide that will help you to import your MetaMask Wallet to the MetaMask Flask within a few steps.

Is it possible to import MetaMask Wallet to MetaMask Flask Extension?

While answering the question, my answer is “YES”. You can easily import your old MetaMask Wallet to the newly launched MetaMask Flask extension within a few steps. If you are aware of how to recover MetaMask Wallet, then I want you to clarify the entire process of importing MetaMask Wallet to MetaMask Flask Extension is the same. All you need is a secret recovery phrase (SRP) or seed phrase. And if you want an instruction guide on how to do so, then don’t worry because we have already mentioned it in the next section of this write-up.

Key points of MetaMask Extension Flask:

There are several key features of MetaMask Extension Flask that attract developers to import or create a wallet on its interface.

Let’s take a look at the most common key points of MetaMask Flask,

  • Canary distribution channel of the stable MetaMask wallet extension.

  • Lets developers to additional unstable APIs.

  • Currently, available as a MetaMask browser extension on Google Chrome and Firefox.

  • Another common feature of MetaMask Flask is “Snaps” which allows Web3 developers to expand the functionality of MetaMask at run-time.

Instructions to import a wallet on MetaMask Flask:

We have mentioned below an easy step-by-step instructions guide that will help you to import your MetaMask Wallet to the newly launched MetaMask Extension Flask within a few steps.

  1. Begin the process by launching Chrome or Firefox browser in your OS.

  2. Now visit the official web page of MetaMask Flask and download it in your preferred web browser. You can skip this step if you have already downloaded it.

  3. Now, navigate to the extensions section in your web browser and then select MetaMask Flask.

  4. Agree to MetaMask terms of use and then go ahead with further steps by clicking on “Import an existing wallet”.

  5. Click on “I agree” and then get ready with your secret recovery phrase. If you don’t remember your secret recovery phrase, then unlock your MetaMask browser extension Wallet or app and write down or copy it by navigating to the “Security and privacy” menu.

  6. Select the number of words contained in your seed phrase by clicking on the drop-down icon.

  7. Now, enter each word of your MetaMask secret recovery phrase in the correct and same order.

  8. Hit on “Confirm Secret Recovery Phrase”.

  9. Create a unlock password that must contain at least 8 characters and then type it in the given text fields.

  10. In the last step, click on “Import wallet” and then on “Got it” to finish the entire process.

Bottom Line:

Overall, that’s how you can import your MetaMask Wallet with SRP to the newly launched MetaMask Extension Flask within a few simple and easy steps.

Apart from all of this, as being an experienced crypto blogger, I will suggest that if you are not a Web3 developer then only use the stable MetaMask Wallet Extension and do not use MetaMask Flask Extension. But if you are already a developer and feel adventurous, then MetaMask Flask is definitely made for you. We hope that the information mentioned in the above sections of this write-up was helpful to you but if you want to know more about it then you can visit the official webpage of MetaMask platform.

Last updated